Generic AS3-functions to convert XML to Object and vice versa
C onverting an Object in AS3 to XML and vice versa, can be really tricky. Basically you have these three options:
- Parse and deserialize yourself, mapping your XML to your own objects.
- Use a serializer / deserializer from a library.
- Cast as objects, use a HTTPService.
Since the first option is quite cumbersome ant the second and third option requires the use of external libraries or services, I wanted to write a simple function that can be used to convert ANY object to XML and ANY XML to a plain old object.
Converting XML to Object
The first function (xmltobj
) the function to convert an XML String to an Object. It behaves as follows:
- Each node in the XML will be converted to an property on the object with the same name
- The value of the node will become the value of the property
- If a node contains multiple sub-nodes whereas each sub-node has a numeric name (<0/>, <1/>, etc.) the node will be automatically converted to an array on the object. The order of the sub-nodes wil be reflected in the order in the array, but the node name will not determine the index in the array.
* <p>Helper function to transform any XML to an Object</p>
* <p>Thisfunction recursively iterates through all child nodes of an XML and converts them to object attributes. The transformation is made as follows</p>
* <ul>
* <li>If the child node value is a <em>simple type</em> (not another XML), it is added to the object as a new attribute whereas the attribute name is equal
* to the child node name and the attribute value is equal to the child node value</li>
* <li>If the child node value is a <em>complex type</em>, the node value is converted into its object representation and then added to the object as an attribute,
* whereas the attribute name is equal to the child node name. The attribute value is equal to the object representation of the child node value.</li>
* <li>If the child node name is a numeric value, the child node value is treated as an array element, and the array is added to the object as a new attribute. It is assumed
* that all sibling nodes also numeric names. This way the arrays which were converted to XMLLists by <code> can
* be transformed back into their array representation</li>
* </ul>
* <p>XMLs transformed with this function can afterwards be transformed back to their XML representation using <code></code>.</p>
* @param xml XML to be converted to an object
* @return Object representation of the XML
* @see
public function xml2obj(xml:XML):Object{
var obj:Object = new Object();
var arr:Array = new Array();
var add:Function = function(key:String, item:*):void{
if (!isNaN(Number(key))){
if (item == 'true')
obj[key] = true;
else if (item == 'false')
obj[key] = false;
obj[key] = item;
// Es wird ein Array (bzw. XMLList)-Element geparst
if (!isNaN(xml.localName())){
var xmlContent:XML = xml.children()[0];
return xml2obj(xmlContent);
for each(var node:XML in xml.children()){
var key:String = node.localName();
var nestedObj:Object = xml2obj(node);
add(key, nestedObj);
var value:String = String(node.text());
if (isNaN(Number(value))){
add(key, value);
add(key, parseInt(value));
if (arr.length > 0)
return arr;
return obj;
Converting Object to XML
The counterpart (obj2xml
) function to convert an Object to XML. It behaves as follows:
- each property on the object will be converted to a corresponding node on the XML
- Simple types like String, int and Boolean will be directly taken over and no further-sub-nodes are created
- Complex types (other objects) will be recursively added as sub-nodes
- Arrays will be converted to XMLLists, where as the single node names will be the index in the array.
* <p>Helper function to transform any object to XML</p>
* <p>This function recursively iterates through all attributes of an object and transforms them to XML nodes. The transformations are made as follows</p>
* <ul>
* <li>The name of the root node is taken from the <em>name</em> attribute</li>
* <li>If the attribute is of a <em>simple type</em> (i.e. String, int, Number or Boolean), it is appended as a simple child node to the XML.
* In this case, the name of the child node is equal to the name of the attribute. The value of the child node is equal to the value of
* the attribute. Example: myObject.myAttribute becomes <myObject><myAttribute>{value}</myAttribute></myObject></li>
* <li>If the attribute is of a <em>complex type</em> (i.e. another Object), a new XML is recursively generated and appended to the
* XML as a complex child node. As with simple types, the node name is equal to the attribute name whereas the node value
* is the XML representation of the attribute object. </li>
* <li>If the attribute is an Array, it is converted to a XMLList where the single child node names are the indexes and the child node
* values are the corresponding values in the array. Example: ['value0', 'value1','value2'] becomes <0>value0</0><1>value1</1><2>value2</2></li>
* </ul>
* <p>Objects transformed with this function can afterwards be transformed back by using the xml2obj()-function.</p>
* @param name Name of the root node
* @return XML representation of the object
* @see
public function obj2xml(name:String, obj:Object):XML{
var xml:XML = <{name}/>;
var isSimpleType:Function = function(val:*):Boolean{
return (val is String || val is int || val is Number || val is Boolean);
for (var key:String in obj){
var value:* = obj[key];
if (isSimpleType(value)){
else if (value is Array){
var arr:Array = value as Array;
var node:XML =<{key}/>;
var list:XMLList = new XMLList();
for (var i:int=0; i<arr.length;i++){
if (isSimpleType(arr[i]))
list[i] = <{i}>{arr[i]}</{i}>;
list[i] = obj2xml(key, arr[i]);
xml.appendChild(obj2xml(key, value));
return xml;
Test Classes
Below are the sources including Unit Test classes used to test them:
import org.flexunit.asserts.assertEquals;
import org.flexunit.asserts.assertTrue;
public class Obj2XMLTest
/* Private Properties */
/* Test Setup and Teardown */
public function setUp():void
public function tearDown():void
public static function setUpBeforeClass():void
public static function tearDownAfterClass():void
/* Tests */
[Test(description="Simple, flat object with simple attributes")]
public function shouldBeSimpleXML():void{
var xml:XML = obj2xml('someObject', {
attr1: 'someString',
attr2: 42,
attr3: true,
attr4: new Number(42)
assertEquals('someObject', xml.localName());
assertEquals('someString', String(xml.attr1));
assertEquals('42', String(xml.attr2));
assertEquals('true', String(xml.attr3));
assertEquals('42', String(xml.attr4));
[Test(description="Object with a complex attribute of another object")]
public function shouldBeComplexXML():void{
var xml:XML = obj2xml('someObject', {
attr1: 'someString',
attr2: 42,
attr3: true,
attr4: new Number(42),
nestedAttr: {
nestedAttr1: 'someOtherString',
nestedAttr2: 42,
nestedAttr3: true,
nestedAttr4: new Number(42)
assertEquals('someString', String(xml.attr1));
assertEquals('42', String(xml.attr2));
assertEquals('true', String(xml.attr3));
assertEquals('42', String(xml.attr4));
assertTrue(xml.nestedAttr is XMLList);
var nestedXML:XMLList = xml.nestedAttr;
assertEquals(nestedXML.nestedAttr1, 'someOtherString');
assertEquals(nestedXML.nestedAttr2, '42');
assertEquals(nestedXML.nestedAttr3, 'true');
assertEquals(nestedXML.nestedAttr4, '42');
[Test(description="An array of simple types should be converted to an XMLList with the array indexes as child node names")]
public function shouldBeSimpleXMLList():void{
var xml:XML = obj2xml('someObject', {
someArray: ['someString', 'someOtherString']
assertTrue(xml.someArray is XMLList);
var nestedXML:XMLList = xml.someArray;
assertEquals(2, nestedXML.children().length());
assertEquals('someString', String(nestedXML.children()[0]));
assertEquals('0', XML(nestedXML.children()[0]).localName());
assertEquals('someOtherString', String(nestedXML.children()[1]));
assertEquals('1', XML(nestedXML.children()[1]).localName());
[Test(description="An array of objects should be converted to an XMLList with the indexes as child node names and the XML representation of the objects as child node values")]
public function shouldBeComplexXMLList():void{
var xml:XML = obj2xml('someObject', {
someArray: [
{attr1: 'someString', attr2: 'someOtherString' },
{simpleAttr: 'simpleAttr', complexAttr: { subSubAttr1: 'subSubAttr', subSubAttr2: 42 }}
assertTrue(xml.someArray is XMLList);
var nestedXML:XMLList = xml.someArray;
assertEquals(2, nestedXML.children().length());
var arrayElem1:XML = nestedXML.children()[0];
var arrayElem2:XML = nestedXML.children()[1];
// Array Element 1
assertEquals('someString', arrayElem1.attr1);
assertEquals('someOtherString', arrayElem1.attr2);
//Array Element 2
var subElem1:XMLList = arrayElem2.simpleAttr;
var subElem2:XMLList = arrayElem2.complexAttr;
assertEquals('simpleAttr', subElem1.text());
var subSubElem1:XMLList = subElem2.subSubAttr1;
var subSubElem2:XMLList = subElem2.subSubAttr2;
assertEquals('subSubAttr', subSubElem1.text());
assertEquals('42', subSubElem2.text());
import org.flexunit.asserts.assertEquals;
import org.flexunit.asserts.assertNotNull;
import org.flexunit.asserts.assertTrue;
public class XML2ObjTest
/* Private Properties */
/* Test Setup and Teardown */
public function setUp():void
public function tearDown():void
public static function setUpBeforeClass():void
public static function tearDownAfterClass():void
/* Tests */
[Test(description="Simple, flat XML with simple nodes")]
public function shouldBeSimpleObject():void{
var obj:Object = xml2obj(
assertTrue(obj['stringAttr'] is String);
assertTrue(obj['booleanAttr'] is Boolean);
assertTrue(obj['intAttr'] is int);
assertEquals('someString', obj['stringAttr']);
assertEquals(true, obj['booleanAttr']);
assertEquals(42, obj['intAttr']);
[Test(description="Flat XML with a complex child node")]
public function shouldBeComplexObject():void{
var obj:Object = xml2obj(
assertTrue(obj['simpleAttr'] is String);
assertTrue(obj['complexAttr'] is Object);
var nestedObj:Object = obj['complexAttr'];
// nested Attribut 1
assertTrue(nestedObj['nestedAttr1'] is String);
assertEquals('someOtherString', nestedObj['nestedAttr1']);
// nested Attribut 2
assertTrue(nestedObj['nestedAttr2'] is int);
assertEquals(42, nestedObj['nestedAttr2']);
[Test(description="XMLLists with numeric child nodes names should be transformed to arrays")]
public function shouldBeNestedArray():void{
var xml:XML = XML("<someObject>" +
"<xmlArray>" +
"<0>someString</0>" +
"<1>someOtherString</1>" +
"<2>42</2>" +
"</xmlArray>" +
var obj:Object = xml2obj(xml);
assertTrue(obj['xmlArray'] is Array);
var arr:Array = obj['xmlArray'];
assertEquals(3, arr.length);
assertEquals('someString', arr[0]);
assertEquals('someOtherString', arr[1]);
assertEquals(42, arr[2]);
[Test(description="An XMLList with numeric child node names and complex node values should be converted to an array of objects")]
public function shouldBeNestedObjectArray():void{
var xml:XML = XML("<someObject>" +
"<xmlArray>" +
"<0>simpleAttribute</0>" +
"<1>" +
"<complexAttribute>" +
"<stringAttr>someString</stringAttr>" +
"<intAttr>42</intAttr>" +
"<booleanAttr>true</booleanAttr>" +
"</complexAttribute>" +
"</1>" +
"</xmlArray>" +
var obj:Object = xml2obj(xml);
assertTrue(obj['xmlArray'] is Array);
var arr:Array = obj['xmlArray'];
assertEquals(2, arr.length);
assertEquals('simpleAttribute', arr[0]);
assertTrue(arr[1] is Object);
var nestedObject:Object = arr[1];
assertEquals('someString', nestedObject['stringAttr']);
assertEquals(42, nestedObject['intAttr']);
assertEquals(true, nestedObject['booleanAttr']);